Thursday, August 9, 2012

Not soo much about her this post...

But a little more about me, what's ticking in my head, what I am feeling, thinking, doing, want to do, will do, won't do, and well maybe....

I'm not gonna go and sugar coat it here, I have been a little sad lately.  Well...a lot sad.  Depressed?!?  Not clinically.  Emotionally distraught some moments, just sad other moments.  It's hard, damn hard.  Putting a smile on your face knowing what I know is hard.  BUT there are things in my life that make it worth living, worth smiling and laughing and giggling some days even.  My blessings are too numerous to count.  I live with four of them <3  I thank God for that each and every day that I pray.  They are my life line and what keeps me motivated to make the most of the moments I am presently tonight for example.  I know I will NOT soon forget this evening.  Glorious.  Hilarious.  P.r.i.c.e.l.e.s.s.

We decided today that we would go golfing.  It was amazing weather, not a grey cloud in the sky.  Why not, right?  I have become quite an avid fan of the sport of golf.  Haven't played in near 14 years, but now, well I am hooked :S  Anyway.....we play the first 9 and the weather is still soo heavenly, we decide to go for another 9.  Two holes to go, sky clouds up, gets a little grey....hmmmmmm.  I distinctly remember checking radar AND the weather report, and it stated 'no rain' forecasted for this evening.  Wrong.  Wow.  They got that one sooooo wrong.  I just finished a great shot out of the fareway and the wind picked up, and I could literally hear the rain starting to fall on the other side of the golf course.  By the time we realized the rain was upon us, it was too late.  And I mean WAY too late.  The trip to the clubhouse was the longest trip in history, I swear.  Rain pelting us from all sides, and that rain was cold.  Wind whipping all around, but thank goodness no hail.  Ouch, yeah.  THAT would have been quite painful.  By the time we got our clubs put away and got into the van, I just wanted to burst out laughing.  I was too cold though!  I giggled and thought to myself, "I will NEVER forget this golf outing, EVER!!!"  It was incredibly hilarious to be out in the middle of the course, completely unaware of the impending storm, and to just be hammered like that (thankfully nothing severe) and to be soaked to the bone....made me feel like a kid again.  Loved that feeling.  Love the feeling that I know I will never forget this day.  The feeling of making memories.  Cherishing the time we have together, even if some days get cut short because of the 'rain'.  Make the best of it.  Make it worth remembering.  Most importantly LAUGH and HAVE FUN while it's raining.  Your 'now' will never be here again.  Don't waste it worrying if you're gonna get wet or cold or if your hair is going to get ruined.  Walk straight into that rainstorm and stomp in those puddles with bare feet.  Because that is what I intend on doing...and you should, too.


  1. HAHAH! This reminds me of the day of our infamous puddle stomp during the rainstorm this spring. LOL!!! It's a wonderful feeling and what a memory maker!

  2. This is totally a scrapbook page in the making....even without any photos...or better yet go back and take photo of the golf course when it's dry and tell that story again! Great memory! {{{hugs}}}
